Web 2.0 Tool used by Miami Dade College Library

Miami Dade Kendall Library News Blog

I find the Miami Dade Kendall Library blog very informative and entertaining. The blog contains useful information such as lists of their new books and dvds, links to their Delicious and LibraryThing sites, podcasts, and information on their music and audiobook iPods. The blog includes information on upcoming events and celebrations. The current post is on Banned Books Week which is celebrated September 24th through October 1st.  


  1. I like the idea of the 'quick polls' that appear to be a regular feature. Although there are few comments to the blog posts, the quick polls give the library another way to measure whether the pages are being read on an ongoing basis.

  2. Wow. There are so many different features offered by the site. I like the way the Banned Books event is advertised and I'm sure the Catalog Q & A is helpful, especially if your too afraid to ask.
